A good helmet is still the best protection against serious injuries to the head and neck. Numerous studies have now proven this. The ADFC also recommends head protection for children as well as adults. Fortunately, modern helmets are extremely comfortable to wear: they are lightweight, easy and quick to fit, and have good ventilation systems.
By the way, bicycle helmets can not only protect the head, but also fulfill additional functions: Thanks to suitable fastening options, common action cameras can be quickly and easily attached to some models. Others, for example, offer a holder for an LED light on the back of the head, which ensures better visibility in traffic. If you would like to upgrade a helmet later, you will find what you need in our “Accessories” section.
Depending on your driving style and terrain, the requirements for head protection differ. Special models are available for special disciplines such as racing or stunts. In addition, the needs and tastes of men, women, children and young people are taken into account in all categories in terms of shape and appearance.
Fullface: Integralhelme für den Geländesport
Anyone traveling at high speeds on rough surfaces must be prepared for possible falls. Full-face helmets are therefore essential for downhill, freeride or similar disciplines! Manufacturers like 100% or Fox have particularly high requirements here: the helmets must offer optimal safety even in the event of high-speed falls. At the same time, all-round protection must not impair field of vision and concentration.
You can adjust a good full-face helmet so that it sits securely and firmly in place even if you fall. At the same time, it can be adjusted wider or looser with one hand while on the go.
Of course, the less weight the helmet has, the more comfortable it is to wear. The difference here ranges from just under 300 to over 1000 grams. Ultra-light carbon constructions offer the most comfort, although they are also at the upper end of the price range.
Good ventilation is also important so that it doesn't get too warm under the helmet. The luxury of removable protective pads should also not be underestimated. A run in the washing machine is good for them from time to time. Last but not least, helmets with holders for protective goggles are extremely practical in daily training.
Mountainbike – Helme: Das Plus an Sicherheit
Just as with bicycles themselves, the term “MTB” is also used very liberally in the helmet sector. At this point we are referring to all-mountain helmets and enduro helmets. They are designed primarily for off-road travel, on bumpy or even extremely rough terrain. Compared to normal touring helmets, these extend lower down the neck and thus offer more protection. In order to always guarantee a cool head, even during very sporty biking, the MTB helmets are riddled with ventilation channels. To prevent insects from getting caught in the helmet through the ventilation slots, they are usually protected by fine grilles. Since modern all-mountain helmets are light and comfortable to wear despite their protective function, they are now also popular with sporty drivers on the road. Well-known manufacturers of MTB helmets are Giro, Bell, IXS and O'Neal.
BMX & Dirt – Helme
Die kultigen Hartschalenhelme mit der typischen halbrunden Form erobern immer häufiger auch die Straßen der Innenstädte. Dabei sind sie eigentlich gedacht für schmutzige Pumptracks und waghalsige Hipjumps. Die robuste Außenhülle mit der tief in den Nacken heruntergezogenen Form bietet bei Stürzen maximalen Schutz. Die stoßabsorbierende Polsterung ist im Idealfall leicht und lässt sich zum Reinigen herausnehmen. Um optimale Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, sind Dirthelme oft schwerer und weniger gut belüftet, als normale Straßenhelme. Trotzdem werden die „Dirt-Murmeln“ mit der angesagten Optik vor allem bei jungen Fahrern auch im Alltag immer beliebter
Flexibel dank abnehmbarer Kinnbügel
Wer auch mal mit weniger Tempo unterwegs ist, kann sich für ein Modell entscheiden, das Integral- und MTB-Helm in einem ist (für die Auswahl einfach „abnehmbarer Kinnbügel“ ins Suchfeld eingeben). Vor allem die Hersteller GIRO und BELL haben in diesem Bereich ein umfangreiches Angebot auf dem Markt. Die Kinnbügel lassen sich meist mit wenigen Handgriffen an- oder abmontieren. Bei entspannten Trainingsfahrten genießt Du das geringere Gewicht und die Freiheit „unten ohne“; beim harten Wettkampf bist Du mit dem gleichen Helm wieder rundrum sicher
City-, Trekking- und E-Bike-Helme
The helmet can also prevent life-threatening injuries when driving to work or shopping. If children still mostly wear head protection, the willingness of adult everyday cyclists drops noticeably. Paradox: 91 percent of all cell phone owners buy a suitable case for their smartphone. However, not even every fifth biker's own head is worth appropriate protection.
Thanks to the huge variety of shapes and colors, manufacturers such as Alpina and Cube now offer a suitable model for everyone. Whether sporty or discreet, whether cheerful and colorful or in neutral black - the look of bicycle helmets has adapted to the needs of buyers. Thanks to lightweight materials and well-thought-out ventilation concepts, a city helmet is extremely comfortable to wear.
By the way, the same rules apply to Pedelecs with an acceleration of up to 25 kilometers per hour as to other bicycles: A helmet is not mandatory, but it makes sense.
Road bike helmets
Wenn Du um Sekunden oder gar Hundertstel kämpfst, zählt jedes zusätzliche Gramm, das Du mit Dir herumtragen musst. Moderne Rennhelme bringen gerade mal noch zwei- bis dreihundert Gramm auf die Waage. Die Carbon-Konstruktionen weisen außerdem zahlreiche Lüftungsöffnungen auf, so dass die Wärme gleichmäßig entweichen kann. Trotzdem sind die Helme so gebaut, dass sie im Fall eines Falles die Krafteinwirkung auf den Kopf so weit wie möglich absorbieren
Helmet accessories
In addition to its main task, the helmet now increasingly functions as a carrier system: manufacturers such as GoPro offer various fastening systems for every type of head protection for their universally applicable mini cameras. For example, a mount that can be mounted on the side or on the forehead is compatible with a full face or BMX helmet. Webbing straps that can be pulled through the ventilation slots are suitable for pretty much every helmet, allowing it to be mounted on the top. The mounts are so variable that you can adjust the shooting angle according to your wishes.
If you're less interested in action and more interested in additional safety, you can use the appropriate accessories to attach an LED lamp to your helmet and thus ensure better visibility in traffic.
In addition, large manufacturers such as Cube offer lots of replacement and supplementary elements. Brand new helmet pads, chin guards, fasteners and adjustment aids are included, as are visors in different colors.
Kinder- und Jugendhelme
Vom Beifahrer im Kinder-Fahrradsitz über den Grundschüler bis hin zum Jugendlichen – die Auswahl an Modellen für den Nachwuchs ist mittlerweile ebenso groß, wie bei den Erwachsenen. Damit der Helm auch gerne getragen wird, sind ein guter Sitz, eine ausreichende Belüftung und nicht zuletzt eine kindgerechte Optik ausschlaggebend. Für die ganz Kleinen sind die Modelle an der Rückseite abgeflacht, so dass sie auch im Kindersitz oder im Fahrradanhänger gut getragen werden können. Die etwas größeren Verkehrsanfänger profitieren von Reflektoren auf der Schale und besonders leicht handhabbaren Verschlusssystemen. Bei den Junioren wiederum zählen eine angesagte Form und ein individueller Look. Für Eltern spielt vor allem eine Rolle, dass auch die Kinderhelme die Sicherheitsnorm EN 1078 erfüllen.
Besonderer Schutz für den Kopf: MIPS-Technologie
The latest development in head protection comes from Sweden and is called the Multidirectional Impact Protection System, or MIPS for short. The researchers based their work on the natural protective mechanisms of the human skull. The sensitive brain is surrounded by fluid. Due to its mobility, it absorbs a large part of the force that acts on the skull bone in the event of a blow or impact. MIPS helmets therefore consist of 2 layers. Inside the helmet shell there is another thin plastic shell that is movably mounted on the outer wall. During a fall, the inner shell can move along the wall, transferring the impact energy away from the head. This is particularly advantageous in the case of so-called rotational forces, i.e. when the head does not impact straight on a flat surface, but rather, for example, at an angle on a stone or curb.
The system is currently being intensively tested in collaboration with top drivers. The new system is particularly interesting for sporty bikers with an increased risk of falling. Manufacturers such as O'Neal, Giro and Bell already offer a large range of helmets with MIPS technology for women, men and children. This includes city and trekking models as well as MTB, full-face, dirt and racing helmets. If you want to get an overview, simply enter “MIPS” into our search function above.
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