disc brakes
Whoever brakes, loses! Or not?
What makes a good disc brake?
A good disc brake for a bicycle is characterized by optimal braking power and controllability. However, these properties vary depending on the area of use and personal preferences. On enduro , trail or downhill bikes, maximum deceleration, control and stability are crucial. Therefore, many MTB brakes have four pistons, with the brake pads being pressed onto the brake disc , which is attached to the hub, by two pistons on each side.
Old or new school?
Most modern bicycles are equipped with hydraulic disc brakes. These brakes offer reliable, high braking power, can be precisely dosed and require very little maintenance thanks to automatic pad adjustment. Hydraulic brakes use either mineral oil or DOT brake fluid as the braking medium. While experts often debate the subtle differences between these fluids, both variants generally work very well.
The scope of delivery
When buying new brakes, it is important to pay attention to what is included in the delivery. With us, you have the option of ordering either a single brake caliper or a complete disc brake set for your bike. Our shop filters will help you find the right products.
In our category " Disc brakes " you get a complete set, only the brake discs (if not shown) you have to order separately.
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