
An jedem Tag, auf jedem Untergrund, auf der ganzen Welt: Kalkhoff lebt das Motto “Moves you everywhere”. Innovationskraft aus 101 Jahren Firmengeschichte - ob Wochenendeinkauf, Sonntagstour, klein, groß oder schwer, die Kalkhoff Modelle sind die perfekten E-Bikes für alle, die nach einer nachhaltigen Alternative zum Auto suchen und mit Stil unterwegs sein wollen!

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Kalkhoff e-bikes

25 products
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Kalkhoff Berleen 5.G Advance jetgrey/hotchillired matt
15% GRATIS Helm
Sale price2.294,00 €* Regular price 2.699,00 € You save 405,00 € GRATIS Premium Versand
Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move Moonstonegrey Matt Trapez 500 2023 - Liquid-Life
Sale price2.395,00 €* Regular price 3.299,00 € You save 904,00 € GRATIS Premium Versand


Die Marke KALKHOFF steht seit über 100 Jahren für deutsche Wertarbeit aus Cloppenburg. Die weltweit erfolgreiche Fahrradmarke setzt seit 1919 auf das Siegel „Made in Germany“ und lässt noch heute seine innovativen Fahrräder und E-Bikes in seinem Stammwerk in Niedersachen produzieren. KALKHOFF setzt auf die besten Ingenieure und Techniker, die traditionelle Werte und moderne Technologien kombinieren. Herauskommen hochwertige und komfortable City-, Urban- und Trekkingbikes, die mit ausgefallenen Designs und höchster Qualität überzeugen. Auch das eigene Antriebssystem Groove Next-System ist von KALKHOFF speziell für den Einsatz in den urbanen E-Bikes geschaffen worden und weiß zu überzeugen.

Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Move magic black/red orange matt
Sale price4.299,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
Kalkhoff Endeavour 7.B Move+ techgreen glossy 2023 Wave - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.875,00 €* Regular price 4.899,00 € You save 1.024,00 € GRATIS Premium Versand
Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Move+ moonstonegrey matt 2023 Wave - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.426,00 €* Regular price 4.399,00 € You save 973,00 € GRATIS Premium Versand
Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Move+ moonstonegrey matt 2023 Trapez - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.442,00 €* Regular price 4.399,00 € You save 957,00 € GRATIS Premium Versand
Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Advance+ ABS moonstonegrey matt 2023 Wave - Liquid-Life
Sale price4.192,00 €* Regular price 5.299,00 € You save 1.107,00 € GRATIS Premium Versand
Kalkhoff Endeavor 7.B Advance+ Diamond Jetgrey Matt
11% GRATIS Helm
Sale price4.587,00 €* Regular price 5.149,00 € You save 562,00 € GRATIS Premium Versand
Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move moonstonegrey matt 2023 Diamond 500 Wh - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.299,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Move+ moonstonegrey matt 2023 Diamond - Liquid-Life
Sale price4.399,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Move+ Moonstonegrey Matt Trapez 2023 - Liquid-Life
Sale price4.399,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move Moonstonegrey Matt Diamond 625 2023 - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.499,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 7.B Move+ diamondblack glossy 2023 Wave - Liquid-Life
Sale price4.899,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Advance+ ABS Moonstone Gray Matt Diamond
Sale price5.299,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Move+ Moonstonegrey Matt Diamond 2023 - Liquid-Life
Sale price4.399,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 5.B Advance+ diamondblack glossy 2023 Diamond - Liquid-Life
Sale price4.699,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 7.B Move+ Diamondblack Glossy
Sale price4.899,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move stoneblue matt 2023 Wave - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.299,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move stoneblue matt 2023 Diamond - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.299,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move moonstonegrey matt 2023 Wave 625 Wh - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.499,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 7.B Advance ABS Urban Green Matt 2023 - Liquid-Life
Sale price5.799,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move moonstonegrey matt 2023 Trapez 625 Wh - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.499,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move moonstonegrey matt 2023 Wave 500 Wh - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.299,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move stoneblue matt 2023 Trapez - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.299,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
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Kalkhoff Entice 3.B Move moonstonegrey matt 2023 Trapez 500 Wh - Liquid-Life
Sale price3.299,00 €* GRATIS Premium Versand
Sold out

Discover the Kalkhoff brand world

Kalkhoff is a renowned German bicycle brand that has stood for quality, innovation and reliability since its founding in 1919. With a history spanning almost a hundred years, Kalkhoff has established itself as a leading manufacturer of premium bicycles, with a particular focus on city and trekking bikes as well as e-bikes.

History and Values

The Kalkhoff brand was founded in Cloppenburg, Germany, by Heinrich Kalkhoff as a small family business. What began as a trade in bicycle parts quickly developed into the company's own production of complete bicycles. Today, Kalkhoff is part of Derby Cycle Holding GmbH, one of the largest bicycle manufacturers in Europe, but remains true to its roots and philosophy of building high-quality bicycles that are both functional and stylish.

product range and technology

Kalkhoff places great emphasis on integrating the latest technologies and advanced materials into its bikes. Kalkhoff's e-bikes are particularly known for their performance and durability, equipped with powerful motors and batteries that offer exceptional range. These e-bikes often use the Impulse drive, a proprietary drive that is valued for its robustness and efficiency.

In addition to e-bikes, Kalkhoff offers a wide range of bicycles for urban use, trekking tours and leisure activities. These bikes are known for their ergonomic construction and elegant design, making them an ideal choice for daily commuters and recreational cyclists.

Sustainability and Community

Kalkhoff is strongly committed to sustainability by using environmentally friendly production processes and choosing materials that guarantee a long lifespan of the bikes. The brand is also involved in the community by supporting cycling initiatives and events that promote cycling culture and contribute to more sustainable mobility.


As a synonym for German engineering in bicycle construction, Kalkhoff stands for a successful combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology. With an extensive range that extends from city bikes to trekking bikes and ultra-modern e-bikes, Kalkhoff offers solutions for every type of cyclist. Whether for the daily commute to work or for long bike tours, you are always well advised to choose a Kalkhoff bike.