Welcome to the world of the Santa Cruz Bullit, the e-MTB that knows no compromises. Whether you are looking for a bike that supports you on challenging trails or a reliable partner for long tours off-road - the Santa Cruz Bullit is ready for any challenge.

Santa Cruz Heckler
Santa Cruz Vala
What makes the Santa Cruz Bullit so unique?
The Santa Cruz Bullit is more than just an e-MTB. It is a perfect fusion of power, stability and innovative technology. With its powerful electric drive and high-quality full suspension, it is specially designed for those who seek the extreme. The combination of advanced suspension technology and robust frame makes it the ideal companion for difficult terrain and demanding descents.
Use cases and benefits
Master challenging trails
The Santa Cruz Bullit is designed for maximum performance in challenging terrain. Thanks to the sophisticated suspension and powerful drive, you can master steep climbs and set new personal bests on the descent.
Long tours with comfort
The Bullit is not just made for short, intensive sessions. Thanks to the efficient use of energy from the electric drive, long tours are no problem either. The ergonomic design ensures comfort, even when the ride takes longer.
Environmentally friendly and efficient
With the Santa Cruz Bullit you are choosing an environmentally friendly way to experience nature. The electric drive reduces CO2 emissions and allows you to move quietly and efficiently through nature.
All details of the EP8 engine at a glance

• 85 Nm
• 630 Wh Akku
• Nur 2,6 kg schwer
• Elegantes Design
• Schlank, schmal, flach und leise
• Mehr Bodenfreiheit
• Antrieb passt sich automatisch dem Gelände an

Haltbar bei allen Wetterbedingungen
• Schnellladefunktion
• Intuitive Benutzerführung
• Weniger Tretwiderstand
• Mehr Hitzebeständigkeit
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Mo-Fr: 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Sa: 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Telefon: +49 2961 914 886 9
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